Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

We appreciate the smiles and waves we receive each day as we take on the challenge of safely entering & exiting our students from our campus.  There are 15-20 staff members on duty and we do our best to direct traffic, monitor the bus lane & playground, and teach children the rules that will keep them safe.  We need you to help by driving with caution in the parking lots and school zones, observing school zone speed limits of 15 mph, and using ALL crosswalks. Children and parents must walk bikes across the crosswalk. In the morning, we ask walkers to wait for a crossing guard to arrive before crossing.  Your patience and support are truly appreciated.

-Falcon Drive Parking Lot (east side of school) - Express Lane - is the Drop-off & Pick-up area for 1st-5th grade students.
-Turney Ave (Front of school) is for PreK-1st grade and our specialized program parents to park and walk students to/from campus. 

Drop off: The main lot (front lot on Turney) is for Pre-K, kinder, and our specialized program families. Parents of these students are required to park and walk their children to the front gate so we need to leave these spots open for them. 

The lot on Falcon is for staff to park and for parents to drive through and drop off. Parents should not park in this lot. This is a drive through lot only. Please follow staff directions and pull all the way forward. Staff will be present to guide the students to the appropriate areas. 


First, second, and third grade students will be lined up along the curb closest to the school; fourth and fifth grade students will be lined up at the staff lot curb. Students with siblings will line up with their younger siblings. We will call students to the numbered pick-up spaces. Parents should display a sign in the front window of their vehicle identifying the student(s) and grade(s) that are being picked up. 

We ask that parents pull all the way forward and stay in their car along the curbs and pick up at the curbs only, as directed by the teachers on duty (not from the passing lane or by calling children over to another area of the parking lot).  Please thank our teachers on duty for keeping our students safe, especially in the heat.  

Please review this information with your child.

Important Info:
  • Campus opens at 7:15 AM and breakfast is served in the cafeteria. 
  • During rainy days, heat advisory days, and assembly days students can go directly to their classrooms at 7:105AM.
  • The first bell rings and students go to class at 7:35 AM (fire lane gates close).  The tardy bell rings at 7:40 AM (front gate closes) - students are expected to be in their seats ready to learn at 7:40 AM.
  • Thank you for your patience and cooperation during our morning drop off. Our biggest rush is from 7:25-7:40 AM so we recommend arriving by 7:20 AM to avoid traffic congestion.   
**The Bus Lane is for buses only per DPS regulations.  This is not a student drop off or parent parking area **
**Parking in the Fire Lane along the red curbing is a violation of Goodyear Fire Dept. rules and could result in a ticket.**